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  • At birth:

  • BCG vaccination, usually administered in the maternity hospital but recommended within the first month of life.

  • 2 months: 

    • 6 in 1 Vaccine (Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Hib (Haemophilus influenzae  b) Polio (Inactivated poliomyelitis) Hepatitis B)

    • PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)

    • MenB Vaccine (Meningococcal B Vaccine)

    • Rotavirus oral vaccine

  • 4 months:

    • 6 in 1 Vaccine (Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Hib (Haemophilus influenzae typeb) Polio (Inactivated poliomyelitis) Hepatitis B)

    • MenB Vaccine (Meningococcal B Vaccine)

    • Rotavirus oral vaccine

  • 6 months:

    • 6 in 1 Vaccine (Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Hib (Haemophilus influenzae typeb) Polio (Inactivated poliomyelitis) Hepatitis B)

    • MenC Vaccine (Meningococcal C Vaccine)

    • PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)

  • 12 months:

    • MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella)

    • MenB Vaccine (Meningococcal B Vaccine)
      The MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella, and the pneumococcus (PCV) vaccine are administered.

  • 13 months:

    • Hib/MenC (Haemophilus influenzae  b and Meningococcal C combined vaccine)

    • PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)

  • 4 - 5 years:

    • A '4 in 1' booster injection is administered in the child's school for continued protection against against diphtheria, polio, tetanus and whooping cough (pertussis) and

    • A second dose of the MMR vaccine to protect against measles, mumps and rubella.

  • 11 - 14 years:

    • All students in First year of second level schools will be offered a booster dose of the Meningococcal C (MenC) vaccine. 

    • All students in their First year of second level school are also offered a tetanus, low dose diphtheria and low dose pertussis (whooping cough) (Tdap) booster vaccine.

    • These vaccine is usually given by a HSE doctor or nurse to students on the school premises

can be found here

Chickenpox Vaccination

We are happy to offer chickenpox (Varicella) vaccination to children aged 14 months or older. Many parents would like their children to be vaccinated against this infection to help prevent the considerable misery to the child.  HSE recommendations are for 2 doses at least 1 month apart.

It is in the routine schedule in many countries but not in Ireland yet.

It must be given at least a month after other vaccines so we recommend giving it a month after your baby has the 12-month and 13-month vaccines, ie at 14 months, but can be given any time after this too.


Meningitis B Vaccine

This vaccination is now included in the National Childhood Immunisations program.  All children born on or after October 1st 2016 will now be given the MenB vaccine at 2 and 4 months and a booster shot at 12 months.  All children born prior to 1st October 2016 may get this vaccine from our practices for a fee.

The minimum age for vaccination is 2 months.

All routine baby vaccinations except for the BCG are available from the practice and free of charge.
Immunisations are very important in protecting the health of our growing children, and we strongly recommend that all children receive the routine vaccinations as outlined above.

Since 2013 the pre-school booster as well as the secondary school boosters are being administered by school nurses and queries about these vaccinations should be directed to your local HSE office.
We can provide a record of all childhood vaccinations administered in the practice but we may not have a record of vaccinations given elsewhere.

More information about vaccinations

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