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The practice has been involved in diabetic care for a number of years. Best treatment of diabetes has been shown to significantly reduce the possibility of serious complications. However poorly controlled diabetics have a higher risk of suffering from

  • Heart attacks

  • Visual problems

  • Kidney failure

  • Foot problems

However, people who suffer from diabetes can live a healthy life and minimise the chance of falling victim to these illnesses. Our aim is that all diabetic patients of the practice will initially be offered a comprehensive assessment twice a year. This will look at all aspects of care including not just their medical treatment, but also lifestyle advice and other preventative care. Appropriate examinations of feet, heart, eyes and blood pressure as well as relevant blood tests will be part of this assessment.

If you or your relation are a diabetic patient of this practice and are not attending the service, please talk to your doctor or nurse about this.

Further information about diabetes is available from The Diabetes Federation of Ireland


Well Woman & Well Man

As a practice, we subscribe to the idea of prevention being better than cure. This isn’t always possible, but there is a lot that can be done to help.

Our nurses offer a simple well woman check which includes:

  • Blood pressure

  • Cholesterol

  • Cervical smear

  • Breast examination.

We also look at lifestyle factors as there is plenty that you can do to help yourself!

We also offer Well Man. These take the form of a targeted health screen. When you arrive at the surgery you will be asked to fill out a short health questionnaire, after which you will see the doctor. The emphasis of the check is on maintaining good health and disease prevention and will look at

  • Lifestyle analysis

  • Weight

  • Blood pressure

  • Cholesterol

  • Prostate assessment (if appropriate)



COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and Asthma are common conditions which can affect breathing at different stages through life. These conditions may change for better or worse in an individual, and we therefore recommend that all sufferers are reviewed regularly to ensure that the right treatments are being delivered by the right means. Advances in testing and treatment may allow for better control of chest problems and better quality of life.

If you are a heavy smoker or suffer from cough or breathlessness, you may benefit from a simple breathing test called spirometry which can be done here in the practice. We would advise you to discuss this with your doctor.

Further support for asthma care from Asthma Society of Ireland

Further support for COPD sufferers from Living with COPD



As a nation we suffer from an unacceptably high rate of both illness and death caused by heart disease and other circulatory disorders. There is a determination both from the medical profession and the government that this problem be tackled. In 2001, The North Eastern Health Board was the first health board to launch this initiative but this has now been rolled out to many general practices across Ireland. Reports of 10 years experience suggest that this programme is saving lives.

We offer an invitation for a detailed check-up to all our patients who have suffered a significant “cardiac event” i.e. if you have ever had suffered a heart attack or undergone heart bypass surgery or angioplasty

The aim is that of preventing a recurrence of illness by closely keeping an eye on risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels smoking habits, and by ensuring that any medication that is being taken is in line with “best practice” recommendations. We are hoping to contact everybody in the practice who would benefit from this, but if you feel that you’ve been overlooked, please let us know!


Minor Surgery, Cryotherapy

Many simple lumps, bumps and moles on the skin, or ingrowing toenails can be adequately dealt with in general practice without referral to a hospital. If you have any such concerns, please ask your doctor whether it would be appropriate to treat here, or would onward referral be more appropriate. This decision can only be made on an individual basis following discussion between your doctor and yourself.

The practice has for some years used liquid nitrogen for “freezing” other skin problems such as warts and skin tags. More modern equipment allows us to do this more efficiently and we are currently running a clinic to deal with many such problems.

Some (but not all) cryotherapy and minor surgical procedures may be covered under both the Medical Card Scheme or by the leading medical insurers (VHI, Quinn, Vivas).


Sexual Health STI Screening

We now offer a very successful nurse-led Sexual Health screening service at Tallaght Medical Centre.

For more detailed information or to make an appointment in confidence, please contact reception or our nurse by ringing the practice and asking about STI Screening appointments.


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